Friday, 22 January 2016

Be Happy and Smile.

Hiya. Recently a lot of people in my life haven't been feeling their best and so I thought that I would list some of the things I do when I'm feeling fed up.

Think about your goals

Whether they are what you're hoping to do before the day ends or what you aspire to be when you are older. When I feel like nothing is going right in my life I write down what I want to achieve even if it's just a simple to do list for the next couple of hours, doing this just lifts a bit of stress from your shoulders and really helps bring my mood up.

Talk to someone

I turn to my best friend or my mum and I just rant for as long as I can about what it is that is making me sad whether it's due to an argument I've had or just how my brain is deciding to feel that day. This always helps me because I am lucky enough to be surrounded by amazingly thoughtful people who really care about me. If you don't feel like you have anyone then talk to me or write a blog post. (tag me in it so I can send you hugs)

Think about celebrities

I don't mean just generally thinking about Josh Hutcherson will automatically make you feel better...actually I think that could work.
But what I mean is Although you may not be a rich movie star or famous musician (I don't know though, maybe you are. If so *shakes your hand* Hi, I love your work) remember even the best celebs feel crappy once in a while so don't feel like you have to be happy all the time.

Keep a Diary

This is one of my favourite ways of keeping track of my thoughts but I think I'll save this for another post because I know how to difficult it is to write a diary and be consistent. I'll link that post here once it's been written.

Distract yourself

Sometimes the best way to feel better is to completely ignore whatever is making you sad. It's not always a bad thing to forget about what it is that is getting you down and distract yourself with something you enjoy. I usually sing, write or read to distract myself from my thoughts. alternatively you could take some stupid hair flick photos with your friends.

Dance your problems away

Put on your favourite album (May I suggest 'Death of a Bachelor' by Panic at the Disco?) Turn it up real loud! Have you done that? Okay good, now you are ready to sing and dance your feelings away like you are Beyoncé! 'But I'm not Beyoncé,' I hear you say? Has anyone actually told you that you're not Beyoncé? Didn't think so, Now go and dance!!
On the other hand

Understand that it's NORMAL to feel sad every now and then

You are only Human and everyone needs to have a little cry. Even if you don't know exactly why you are crying it's okay.

If you don't like crying for no reason then

Watch a sad movie

If it's really sad then maybe it will make you feel better about why you're sad! Or if the characters are going through a similar situation to you it will remind you that it will get better over time.

Let it go!

*refrains from singing the song*
If there is nothing you can do to resolve whatever you are sad about then what is the point in being sad about it? I know it is easier said than done but if you really don't want to be sad anymore then when something makes you want to snap just take a deep breathe and reply in a calm, slightly sassy manner. For example you've had a long, hard day at school and you're ready to fall asleep wherever you land. Finally you are on your way up the stairs- when you hear the faint sound of your name being called. It's your mum. Does she have chocolate for you? Is dinner ready? Alas your luck just isn't that... well, lucky. No, she wants you to Traipse All the way to the kitchen and make her a cup of TEA... By this point you are ready to scream. Don't. Take a deep breathe and count to 10 (maybe 5 your mum is still waiting for her tea.) Calmly put your bag down and make the tea. Smile at the joy radiating off her as she drinks her first sip of that perfectly made tea. When she says 'Thank you, you perfect daughter whom I love very much.' that is your cue to collapse on the sofa and sleep... until you need to make the second cuppa.

I really hope this helped and if it didn't then please don't be sad! *hugs*

Please let me know if you have any other ideas on this topic, i'd love to hear how you get up when you're feeling down.


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Hugs in the Form of Words.